Sri Lanka Denatls Association
Payments & Subscriptions
Welocome to our new and improved payment platform, designed to streamline the management of your membership subscriptions and fee collections.
Welcome to the Sri Lanka Dental Association’s payment portal. This page provides essential information and guidelines for managing your membership and making payments. Whether you are renewing your subscription, applying for new membership, or managing your fees, you will find all necessary instructions and options here.
Membership Payments
For current members, use your valid SLDA Member ID to process subscription renewals and access associated services.
New Memberships
New applicants must submit the required application forms & documents for all applicable modules, ensuring all approvals are obtained.
SLDA ID Card Requests
Life members applying for an ID card must complete the application form and provide a recent photograph.
Renewals & SLDA ID for
Exiting Members
This section is applicable exclusively to members currently registered with the Sri Lanka Dental Association (SLDA). To process payments for the services offered through this platform, a valid SLDA Member ID number is required. For members applying solely for the issuance of an ID card, it is essential to hold a Life Membership status. In such cases, please ensure that the relevant application form is completed and submitted along with a recent photograph.